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What  Casting directors have to say
 (shoot day tips) 

"Look like you, have good energy in the eyes.”
-Marty Siu

“Actors should always send out pictures that look like them, are real.  Try not to do photos that are very arty and over lit.  I tend to get exasperated with those.  Sometimes, I won’t even bother with them, because my suspicion is that that person’s picture is not accurate”
-Julie Taylor

“I like a picture that looks like a person who has a degree of openness.  Even the ugliest character in a play, someone who’s a crone, has to have an appeal about them.”
-Jay Bindert

“I look for life and personality.  So many pictures have expressionless faces, and I really like personality.”
-Stephanie Klapper

"Headshots are not glamour shots. They should look like you; the way you are and will be when you actually walk in the room. They should make you look like an interesting person and not a hot model. Save the vanity shots for Facebook!"
-Benton Whitley

"Plain and simple, headshots need to look like you. It's frustrating when we've put out an appointment to an actor (based upon their headshot and résumé) for a specific role, only to find that on the audition day, someone "else" walks into the room. Make sure that what you're selling is, indeed, what walks into the room on audition day."
-Duncan Stewart
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